Its multicultural population meant that all countries would be well supported at the games. (A TOK-able moment), The costs and benefits of hosting the Games, Case study: London Olympics 2012: Learning activities,, About (including cookies and data privacy issues), New article: urban deprivation in Nairobi, Youth engagement in sport was one of the pillars of Londons bit, Sustainability and legacy were pillars of Londons bid, Regeneration was emphasised as part of the bid: the IOC was shown photos of the derelict former industrial areas, The UK government had decided to focus its Olympic bids on London after failing to win the Games in 1992, 1996 and 2000 with bids from Birmingham and Manchester (two other major UK cities), Gender and age issues: most of those who spoke in the Paris presentation were male and middle aged; the London presentation included children and represented a multicultural London. Accessed 17 January 2018. In Liverpool, the collapse of the Albert Docks in the 1960s caused warehouses to become abandoned, people to lose their jobs, environmental quality to decrease and people to move out of the area. Because of the deprived status, the existing waste and industrial lands available, and the close location to the City, Stratford was chosen by the UK for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. During these months the temperature is nice, and there is limited rainfall, It is one of the best spots in the UK to surf, Always swim between the flags as that is the safest spot. Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. This is partly due to Gentrification of the East Village as city workers move in. With it, Stratford saw a lot of work opportunities. This meant that buildings would either be re-purposed on-site or moved to another location. . While the legacy venues would be tailored to London's ongoing needs, some of them would be expensive for that purpose. After the games, they either got broken down or relocated to be used elsewhere. The Olympic and Paralympic Games inspired over 2,000 community projects designed to educate young people in the UK about sport, health & fitness, art and Olympic values. 1997: Mars buggy starts exploring Red Planet. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. The site chosen covered parts of Stratford, Bow, Leyton and Hackney Wick in East London (figure 3). There are a lot of great places to eat, drink and relax, from cafes and restaurants to theatres. The majority of venues were divided into three zones within Greater London: the Olympic Zone, the River Zone and the Central Zone. via reusing and recycling). This removal of industrial (secondary economic) activity had many negative impacts, including a spike in unemployment rates, dereliction and out-migration from town/ urban centres. [21] Because the Olympic Village is located within the Olympic Park, about 75 percent of athletes would be within 15minutes of their venues; this compact design, according to double Olympic decathlon gold medallist Daley Thompson, would "make [the experience] so much more inspirating [sic] and real". These ships could not navigate down as far as the Royal Docks. Regeneration can solve help the urban problems such as taking derelict, polluted, brown-field places to be restored and used for new purposes. This was primarily paid by lottery funds, meaning that other things, such as the arts, lost out on a lot of money. However, many people feel that the London Games were overall a success, and provided a benefit to the city. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. Regeneration through property development has the potential to create vibrant new communities. When is the RNLI Lifeguard service available? Imagine that you live in the area that is going to be transformed by the Games. The Olympics brought more than 9bn of investment to east London, much of which went into transport. All venues that will not have a planned use after the games are over will be built as temporary venues. Local business some extant in this area for over 100years were questioning the package of measures in place to allow them to find new sites when the new Olympic village displaced them. Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. It lies in an Area of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB) and it faces the Atlantic Ocean. moving away from fossil fuels and using renewable energy, such as solar and wind). The infrastructure was significantly improved for the whole area. Regeneration is the process of upgrading existing urban, rural, industrial and commercial areas to bring about social and economic change on a long-term scale. As a result in the 1980s there was a regeneration project to help the docklands area. Hit by de-industrialisation, the area received minimal investment but a creative spirit ran firmly through its communities. The UK government invested GBP 300 million to transform the Olympic site into the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, which includes housing, new schools, health centres, business space and sports venues. 10th season. There are a lot of green spaces, from the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to the Hackney Marshes. It had one of the most deprived communities in the country, unemployment was high, and health levels were poor. Stratford is now second only to King's Cross as the most connected part of London. Counter-urbanisation is the process of a large proportion of people relocating from urban areas to rural areas and is seen as the opposite of urbanisation. Stratford was and still is a deprived area. Buildings that were not getting a new life on-site were temporary ones, and they were relocated elsewhere after the games. The idea was to leave a lasting legacy or impact not just for sport but for the urban area in the East of London. Part of the aims of the Olympics was to completely transform an area of East London that is lagging behind the rest, East London. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. An impressive 85 per cent of UK schools signed up to this programme. It would not last long, however. [22], Australian construction company Lend Lease Corp Ltd was chosen to build the Olympic Village. East London underwent deindustrialisation between the 1960-70s as it couldn't compete against newer container ports. This is because Stratford is now a more affluent area, increasing the cost of living. Transport for London invested GBP 6.5 billion in transport infrastructure in preparation for the 2012 Games. Also some venues (such as those for sailing) were outside the boundaries of Greater London. The Olympic Park was built over Stratford, Bow, Leyton, and Hackney Wick. The improvements and upgrades made have made a lasting legacy impact. Four indoor arenas (Olympic Park Arenas 14), hosting basketball (2), fencing (4), volleyball (1). Why is regeneration needed geography? 1: Regeneration in the UK ( by Roger Kidd ( licensed by CC BY-SA 2.0 (, Supporting tourism growth and development in northern Devon. Improving transport links while maintaining the natural beauty of places will be important. In order to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012, new venues needed to be built. Disability organisations including the Autism Awareness Campaign UK were confident that the Olympic and Paralympic Games would encourage people across the disability spectrum to take up sport. Whenever there was no plan for a specific venue, it would be built as a temporary one. This happened due to deindustrialisation and the closure of the Royal Docks. Will you pass the quiz? The Olympic Village was converted into more than 2,800 flats in 11 residential plots, with spacious courtyards, gardens and balconies. Summary - Favelas - urban planning - favela - bairro project geography gcse. The Department of Education provided GBP 65 million to encourage efforts by physical education teachers to organise competitive sports, embed best practice and train primary school teachers. Only 1 bus an hour from Monday to Saturday, Only 1 bus every 2 hours on Sunday. Since there is no need to commute to cities and towns, people choose more aesthetically pleasing places to live. Stratford lacked proper infrastructure, and the environmental quality was poor. The park is sustainable in a number of ways, eg walking and cycling routes, the provision of public. During the Victorian Era, the Metropolitan Building Act, the new railway, and the creation of the Royal Docks accelerated industrialisation. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. What is the best time to visit Croyde and why? Tessa Jowell, the former Minister for Sport, once told a parliamentary committee that regenerating Stratford without hosting the Olympics would cost 300 million. [4], Overall, do you think that the Games were a success? Advertisement Olympics and their economic impact: Updated research roundup. The first phase, which involves the development of 4,200residential buildings and other accommodations for the village, began in 2008. Financial: the British government was ready to back any over-spend on the construction of Games facilities. It should be remembered that London is already the worlds second most globalised city (Dessibourg, Hales, and Mendoza Pea, 2017) and has been in that position since the index began in 2008. Nearby Saunton Sands, Braunton Burrows and Baggy Point were used by American soldiers to practise for the D-day landings. Why? Olympic Delivery Authority 2006-2014 final report. Disability organisations, such as the Autism Awareness Campaign UK, believed that the Olympic and the Paralympic games would encourage people with any disability to take up sports. Economic - due to improved infrastructure, it has better connections to the rest of London. Current regeneration in Stratford is set to cost an extra 1 billion. London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Going for Gold: Transport for London's 2012 Olympic Games", "London 2012 must learn from the 1bn Sydney hangover", "London 2012 venue: Royal Artillery Barracks", "The 2012 Olympic Games and the environment", "London reveals dramatic vision for 2012", "Lend Lease wins bid to build London's Olympic village", "The most spacious accommodation in Games history", London 2012 Tickets To go on Sale March 15, Six weeks to apply for London 2012 tickets from March, "London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games", "Report of the IOC Evaluation Commission for the Games of the XXX Olympiad in 2012", "How Britain will benefit from the games", Demolition work starts on Olympic Park site, "Who needs an Olympic pool when there's no room for a kickabout? Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Buildings that were going to get a new life after the Games were permanent buildings. London competed with other cities to host the 2012 Olympics. It is now called the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. In Stratford, the population density was 68.8%, in comparison to 47.3% in London overall. For example, London will have paid for an 80,000-seat athletics stadium, but will only possess a 25,000-seat stadium. A regeneration project run by the Merseyside Development Corporation from the 1980s onwards has allowed the area to transform into a hub for investment, tourism and commercial activity. Its demolition in 2007. Suburbanisation is the process of a large proportion of people relocating from town centres into the outskirts (suburbs). The Illusory Economic Gains from Hosting the Olympics World Cup. The waste and industrial land were cleaned. Most of Stratford City will be regenerated with the construction of 500,000 more square metres of space. This leads to a loss of jobs which in turn often causes poverty. [30][31] and the London Organising Committee planned on selling a total of 6.5million (an 81% sellout) Olympic tickets, and a 63% sellout for Paralympic tickets. This is partly due to Gentrification of the East Village as city workers move in. It will be extended further northwards, with the legacy road cycling circuit straddling the A12 and extending into the old Eton Manor site, where the mountain biking area will be located. Deindustrialisation and the closure of the Royal Docks. The International Olympic Committee's evaluation report was generally very positive. These projects took different forms, had different stakeholders and operated over different durations. This means people can find work elsewhere. Create and find flashcards in record time. The focus on sustainability across regeneration projects has increased as awareness of environmental issues, such as climate change, has increased. Fig. The construction of all the buildings creates 1,500 jobs, with at least 30% of those for local residents. People may move to rural areas to improve their health and mental well-being. [39], The Olympic Hockey Centre after the games will become a venue providing training and competition facilities for hockey at all levels. This led to the multiplier effect. Many disability organisations including the Autism Awareness Campaign UK urged all people with disabilities to back the London 2012 bid. What types of accommodation is available at Croyde? The organising committee planned some of the following legacies. The regeneration did not only change Stratford but also London in general. "I didn . There are many areas that have been regenerated, the Tower Hamlets have had the most projects, whilst other areas such as Islington, Lambeth, Hackney and Southwark have also had many regeneration projects. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. What are the key elements of urban regeneration? Everything you need for your studies in one place. existing urban, rural, industrial and commercial areas to bring about social and economic change on a long-term scale. There are excellent schools. Stratford became one of the most deprived communities in the UK, with low-income families and high unemployment. REGENERATION CASE STUDY: London 2012 Olympics (Why was London chosen?: REGENERATION CASE STUDY: London 2012 Olympics . To be sure that important venues and stadiums do not go to waste, the organising committee has planned what to do with them after the games. Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. Social - new homes were built, with around 1/3 of those becoming more affordable. Have provisions to allow people to walk, cycle and/or make use of public transport, instead of relying on cars. The Royal Docks fell into decline as large container ports were developed further down the river. The UK won the bid over Paris, New York City, Moscow and Madrid. Stratford lacked proper infrastructure, and the environmental quality was poor. This site has a great number of additional sources that you could explore, for example if you are looking at the Olympics for the purposes of an extended essay. This made it an ideal location for putting up the park, especially since it was located only seven minutes from Central London. Around 10 billion. Its 100% free. Ensure an acceptance of all people, regardless of background. It was one of the most deprived communities in the UK. These areas were chosen because they were in need of urban regeneration as they were more deprived compared to other regions in the UK. This led to the multiplier effect. The conversion of the media and press centre into a creative industries centre for East London. [2], At the time of the bid, the budget projection was around 2billion, but it was later estimated that the true cost would be around 9billion. In addition to stadium seats, there would be 20,000 10 (US$19) tickets for the Olympic Park to watch events on big screens. For example, Edinburgh's regeneration scheme will include carbon-neutral housing and public transport links, extensions of the public transport network to connect more people to the city, the introduction of mixed-use neighbourhoods and a 'green network' that connects all the urban green spaces via low-emission routes. Outline the political, social, economic and environmental reasons why London was chosen for the 2012 Games. The London Olympic Athletes Village is the largest sustainable homes project in the UK. Accessed 17 January 2018. For construction, much of the wildlife already there had to be relocated. It was estimated that 80% of spectators would arrive by rail. I applied to just two schools - Stanford and one Ivy League. At the same time, the area became known as a country retreat for wealthy merchants and financiers from the City. Page 11 is especially good. By 2012, it was estimated that over 135,000hotel rooms would be available within 50kilometres of the Olympic Park, up from 103,000 at the time of the bid. The Athlete's Village has been made into a housing estate, now called the East Village. It was changed to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. This means people can find work elsewhere. Buildings that were going to get a new life after the Games were permanent buildings. the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, although it is not an official Royal Park. [28], Additionally, there were to be two major park and ride sites off the M25 within 25 minutes of the Olympic Park capable of holding 12,000 cars. In early 2007, it was suggested that the actual cost of the games could exceed 9.35billion (US$18.03billion), well over the bid projection. Why was Stratford chosen for the 2012 Olympics? Eventually, some 8,000 people will be able to live in the 5 new neighbourhoods created from the Olympic Parkland. In 2006 Most of land needed for games under public control and relocation sites agreed for those who have to move. During the construction of the Olympics, there were very few jobs for local people. Why was Stratford regenerated? Stratford (selected roles): Lucky (Waiting for Godot), Pompey (Measure for Measure), Uncle John (The Grapes of Wrath), Antigonus (The Winter's Tale), Senex (A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum), Richard Voss (The Physicists . 75 pence of every pound spent on the Olympics went towards providing a lasting legacy to East London residents. How much did the regeneration of Stratford cost? StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. The average ticket price was set to be 40 (US$77)[32] and 75% of all tickets would cost less than 50 (US$97),[35] prices that Magliano says are reasonably accessible to almost everyone in Britain. This was due to the plans that London put forward in regards to the games. sure first was Mario and sonic. Who decides who will host the Olympics? Stories From 6 Jul. The area became more affluent, and therefore housing is still unaffordable for the poor(er) people in the community. It will feature a 5,000 seat arena and a training pitch.[39]. The Westfield Stratford City - the largest urban shopping mall in Europe. London succeeded in its Bid for a number of reasons. People are tired of or unable to pay high rents and mortgages in cities and suburban areas. Economically, the Games occurred during the recovery from the global financial crisis of 2008-10, and many people felt that the approximate cost of GBP10bn to be too high, despite the lasting benefits to the environment and the future of the economy. When all the criteria are met for cleanliness, water quality, and facilities. The containerised cargo was much more efficient for transporting goods, but it required larger ships. Stratford is located in east London, about 7 miles northeast of Central London. 2 - A suburban area is located close to, but apart from, an urban area. Furthermore the cost of travelling and accommodation would rise across London which many thought would outprice tourists and leave many events under-attended. Summary - Freiburg - sustainable urban living geography gcse. Negatives: The Olympic stadium is estimated to have cost 701 million pounds, almost 3 times the original estimate Before industrialisation, Stratford was an agricultural community. They helped secure a better vote for this category. [40] The transformed stadium will consist of a 3,000-seat velodrome, road track, competition and play BMX tracks, and a mountain biking course for use by all levels of cyclists. The Westfield Stratford City - the largest urban shopping mall in Europe. These ships could not navigate down as far as the Royal Docks. What does access look like? What areas in London have been regenerated? Some venues were built as permanent venues and got new use after the games. London has proposed Games based on providing world-class facilities and services for the athletes, and a legacy for sport and the community. in North Devon, South West England. [29], Approximately 8.0million tickets were proposed to be available for the Olympics, and 1.5million tickets for the Paralympics. The aquatics centre and its 50m pool can now be used by the community, schools and athletes alike. Show answer . [30] Paralympic tickets go on sale on 9 September 2011. Stratford's status, along with the already. from June to October. Will you pass the quiz? The London Olympics have brought many positive things to Stratford, although there have also been some negatives. The Royal Docks eventually closed to commercial traffic in late 1981. Fig. The area has also seen an influx of migrants looking for new opportunities. Accessed 17 January 2018. of the users don't pass the Regeneration Case Studies quiz! Olympics legacy: Did the Games succeed in rejuvenating East London? B Messrs Singh, Directors, Lucky Wholesale Company, 2007 The tables below show the social, economic, and environmental legacies' pros and cons. Property prices, for both renting and buying, went up. Believed to be the biggest collection of discarded white goods in Europe, the pile. People who could afford it moved away, leaving behind the poor(er) people of the communities. London is the first city to host the Games three times. At the time of the bid, those involved in British sport were hopeful that there would also be a 2012 legacy of increased commitment to sport in the UK, with the social and health benefits they believe that could bring, but it will be difficult to assess whether or not this really happens. "The most important thing is to show people that the Government is absolutely behind the bid", said Mr Blair, who travelled to the Far East before returning to chair the 31st G8 summit at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire, Scotland. It was one of the most deprived communities of the UK, it had a high population density, low annual income, high unemployment, it had readily available waste and industrial lands for building, and it was located only 7 minutes from the City.